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Jun 26, 2017

This week Dan and Dudley are discussing what is and isn’t evil.  Dan does a terrible job explaining how Titans Tactics works.  Dudley plays a “good” game of 3.5 edition Dungeons & Dragons.  Dan also played some Star Realms and a 2005 classic Myst 5: End of Ages

Jun 19, 2017

This week Dan and Dudley are back talking about the mountain of news coming from E3, including Super Mario Odyssey, Metroid, Kirby, Fallout 4 VR, Doom VR, and tons more.  Dan played I Expect You to Die this week, while Dudley got back into playing Pokemon...

Jun 12, 2017

Coming off a week long beach vacation Dan and Dudley have a laundry list of board games they played.  Including, Colt Express, Last Will, Letters from Whitechapel, Kodama, Bang! The Dice game, The Manhattan Project, and Secret Hitler.  Dan also played Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap.  Also some Microsoft news coming out...

Jun 5, 2017

This week Dan and Dudley recorded early and are stretching for time.  Dan played Imperial Settlers with the new Aztec expansion.  Dudley learns about camel anatomy from Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.  Also they talk about Keys and Starships and whatever else pops into their...